

The following are the North Bay Diocese CYO Basketball Program standards of eligibility for all children.

Children who wish to participate in a parish CYO Basketball program shall meet the criteria established below.

Athletic Directors shall verify that children meet eligibility requirements prior to participation; coaches should not enroll children or allow them to participate prior to enrollment by their athletic director. The use of an ineligible player, knowingly or unknowingly, shall result in the forfeit of all games in which the ineligible player participated.


Parish CYO programs may be open to children who meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Any child (Catholic or non-Catholic) resident within that parish’s boundaries as established by the Santa Rosa Diocese. 
  2. All children (Catholic or non-Catholic) who attend the parochial school or are a member of that Catholic Parish. 
  3. Any child who is a legal resident of an adjoining parish and which has no C.Y.O. Athletic Program. 
  4. A child shall be placed in a parish based on geographical location of home address. Any exception must be waived on an individual basis due to “hardship.” Reason for hardship may be: 
    1. Parish school affiliation, or 
    2. Parish affiliation 

This petition must be submitted in writing to the Board and is subject to approval of the protest and hardship committee.

  1. A player or participant moving from one parish to another during the season will remain on the team on which roster his name originally appeared. In case of hardship, petition the Board or Athletic Directors. 
  2. Once a player has participated for a parish, he/she will not be permitted to play for another parish, unless a residence change to within a new parish boundary has occurred in which the player wants to participate. However, the player has the option to continue playing for his/her original parish until eligibility is complete. In case of hardship, petition the protest and hardship committee. 

Note; if a player moves to another Parish that does not have a Program, player needs to request a waiver if he plans a change of parishes. Request should be accompanied by letters of approval from the 2 AD’s of the affected parishes. (This can be accomplished within a list of other waiver requests from the A.D..) The AD of the Parish the child is transferring out of must agree with the waiver request.